Smart Capsule

Smart Capsule

“Smart Capsule: A Comprehensive Weight Loss Solution

The smart capsule is the latest method for treating obesity and excess weight. The capsule, shaped like a pill, is swallowed with water. The capsule is connected to a thin tube, which is detached after inflation inside the stomach. The capsule is swallowed like any other pill and filled with a specific liquid while stabilizing in the stomach. After filling with liquid and stabilizing, the thin tube is removed painlessly through the mouth. The inflation inside the stomach induces a feeling of fullness, reducing the ability to eat and encouraging the body to burn fat and lose weight.

Is the Removal of the Smart Capsule Difficult?

No, the smart capsule does not require any surgical procedure for removal. After four months of being in the stomach, the smart capsule begins to naturally degrade, with its valve dissolving on its own. After degradation, it moves naturally through the intestines and is excreted with feces without pain, making it a safe procedure for addressing mild obesity.

Is the Smart Capsule Suitable for All Obesity Patients?

Procedures vary depending on the patient’s condition, age, and body fat levels. A fundamental condition for using the smart capsule is that body weight exceeds the ideal weight by only 15-20 kilograms. In cases of severe obesity, the results of the smart capsule may not be satisfactory. It can also be used for elderly individuals who are not suitable for surgery and for children.

Advantages of the Smart Capsule: Ease of Use: The capsule is swallowed with a glass of water without surgical intervention. No Need for Anesthesia: It does not require anesthesia before the procedure. Short Temporary Period: The effect of the capsule lasts only for four months. Safe Removal: No surgical procedures are required for removal. Digital Monitoring: A digital scale application provides monitoring of the capsule’s effectiveness and health tips.

Results of Using the Smart Capsule for Weight Loss: Eliminates excess weight and obesity. Reduces the risk of heart diseases and diabetes. Improves the patient’s mental and emotional well-being. Increases fertility and the likelihood of pregnancy. Promotes healthy eating habits with reduced quantities. Weight loss enhances self-confidence.

Difference between the Smart Capsule, Gastric Balloon, and Sleeve Gastrectomy: Sleeve Gastrectomy: Used for severe obesity and requires surgery. Can result in over 60% weight loss. Gastric Balloon: Surgically placed endoscopically and lasts for six months. Smart Capsule: Swallowed like a pill and involves less surgical intervention. Lasts for four months and degrades naturally.


The smart capsule is considered a safe and effective solution for addressing mild obesity, offering advantages such as ease of use and not requiring anesthesia, making it an attractive option for certain obesity cases. However, consulting with a physician is always necessary to assess health conditions and determine the best-suited options for each case.”

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